Meet Yulia

Meet Yulia

A Little Bit About Me:

My whole life, I had trouble connecting with men in a healthy way, bouncing from one toxic relationship to the next, always feeling like something—or someone—was missing. My battle with addiction certainly didn’t help.

But that all changed when I decided to dig deep into my patterns, look my issues square in the eyes, and get the support and skills needed to address what was holding me back. And you know what happened? I found my soulmate, a relationship that is everything I could have wished for and more—safe, genuine, and totally authentic, powered by unconditional love. That’s when I knew I was on to something.

To make sure I could guide others on the same journey, I studied in the field of Marriage and Family therapy, became a certified life and relationship coach, and a Gottman Method educator. I did the work so I could help you achieve the same results without spending years of struggle and frustration trying to figure it out on your own.

My Mission:

To empower 100,000 women to break free from unhealthy love patterns and build lasting relationships rooted in respect, understanding, and deeply authentic love.

My Philosophy:

My coaching method is holistic in nature and grounded in evidence-based principles.

I'm a firm believer that real change starts from within. A successful relationship isn't just about finding the right person; it's also about being the right person.

If you're here, it's probably because you're tired of the dating rollercoaster and you're ready for love that sticks.

A Little Bit About Me:

I get it. I've been on the same ride as you, and it wasn't a fun one. My whole life, I had trouble connecting with men in a healthy way, bouncing from one toxic relationship to the next, always feeling like something—or someone—was missing. My battle with addiction certainly didn’t help.

But that all changed when I decided to dig deep into my patterns, look my issues square in the eyes, and get the support and skills needed to address what was holding me back. And you know what happened? I found my soulmate, a relationship that is everything I could have wished for and more—safe, genuine, and totally authentic, powered by unconditional love. That’s when I knew I was on to something.

To make sure I could guide others on the same journey, I studied in the field of Marriage and Family therapy, became a certified life and relationship coach, and a Gottman Method educator. I did the work so I could help you achieve the same results without spending years of struggle and frustration trying to figure it out on your own.

My Mission:

To empower 100,000 women to break free from unhealthy love patterns and build lasting relationships rooted in respect, understanding, and deeply authentic love.

My Philosophy:

My coaching method is holistic in nature and grounded in evidence-based principles.

I'm a firm believer that real change starts from within. A successful relationship isn't just about finding the right person; it's also about being the right person.

Empowering single women to unlock their inner wisdom and shatter toxic love patterns so they can discover the love they truly deserve.

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Empowering single women to unlock their inner wisdom and shatter toxic love patterns so they can discover the love they truly deserve.

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